Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Greatest Sin! Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Children - by Mohammad Azim Khan Keyani

The Greatest Sin!
(Commercial sexual exploitation and abuse of children)
By Mohammad Azim Khan Keyani

Trafficking in girls and boys for sex and child prostitution
In South Asia unfortunately has become an institution

Other types of abuse are sex tourism and child pornography
How shameful are those who do and see such photography

Boys and girls between 8 and 13 are sexually abused
Sometimes they are murdered when they have refused

Children of under-privileged religious and ethnic groups and minorities
Are victims of sexual exploitation, these are undeniable realities

Migrant, bonded labourer, disabled or in work places
Even in institutional care, sexual exploitation a child faces

Limited access to reproductive health services, life skills and education
Increases vulnerability of adolescents and worsens the situation

HIV/AIDS is rapidly increasing through other means and injections
Child sexual abuse increases risk of sexually transmitted infections

Several other actors outside the home are involved but mainly
Selling children for prostitution is also promoted by family

Most of the time a child is abused and disgusted
Someone who is familiar with, and by child is trusted

In majority of cases sexual abusers are men
But are sometimes young boys and can also be women

Among important factors are, weak legislative and judicial implementation
Others are poverty, globalization, social and gender discrimination

Though poverty is an underlying cause for child sexual abuse
Actions can be taken to control, cannot be an excuse

Rights of children, both in cities and areas even remote
Positive cultural, religious, and moral values may protect and promote

Root causes of gender inequality, violence and abuse
By building partnership between adults and children can reduce

Trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation is a recognized abuse
But children rights to migration how can we refuse

Children in street-based prostitution or living in brothels
Or children of sex workers are exploited in homes and hotels

All children carry equal rights, society must have this realization
Require right-based and child friendly actions to counter stigmatization

Actions to control pornography require uniform definition in legislation
Plus surveillance, and access to internet users for investigation

Profile of sexual abusers reflects quite a number of factors
Attitude towards sexuality, gender, power, muscularity are main actors

Misconception about sexual health is also a major factor
Which has also become a part of sexual abusers’ character

In wars, conflicts, disasters and rapid change, operate with impunity
Also during the social displacement, try to spoil the community

Where men are working away from home, through internet
Sexual abusers particularly with children keep contact

Children who are sexually exploited must be provided support
Sex perpetrators be strictly punished upon each report

To combat sexual exploitation and abuse is essential law enforcement
Law reforms are also required with society’s full endorsement

Either it is a case of sexual exploitation, abuse or rape
Violators must be strictly punished without any escape

Lengthy and costly, gender and child insensitive legal procedures
Impede timely and effective actions, be realized by leaders

For child survival, development and best interests, with full determination
Actions must be guided by CRC principle of non-discrimination

The issue is so serious, much more to be done remains
Commitments should be fulfilled in order for good gains

Sexual exploitation and abuse go against values of society
From such bad evils has forbidden also God Almighty

Everyone should believe in it no need of any bet
Sexual abuse and exploitation of children pose a big threat

Efforts needed at all levels – locally, nationally and regionally
This may be strengthened by what is being done globally

With involvement of civil society and children’s participation
All efforts should be made for effective implementation

All boys and girls under 18 as children be treated
Any other definition from dictionary be deleted

They enjoy special rights as in CRC are enshrined
Age of protection be applied as in CRC defined

Impossible for anyone to do alone, it is a team work
We must ensure an effective and adequate legal framework

Legal procedures be right-based and child friendly
No penalty as criminals, but treat children humanely

All law enforcement officials be appropriately guided
Child rights training to lawyers, judges and police be provided

Existing legal processes and procedures may be simplified
On basis of lessons learned in implementation be revised

Perpetrators must be followed and punished in each region
Either in country of crime or in country of origin

Proper registration of birth and marriage be ensured
For reference and identity, certificates be secured

Opportunities for early child development be maximized
For free and compulsory primary education energies be utilized

Through gender-sensitive media campaigns awareness be raised
Focus on children’s rights particularly on exploitation and abused be placed

Code of conduct for public portrayal of children in media
Would benefit all children and seems and good idea

To strengthen economic security of poor, bold economic safety nets
Offer alternative source of livelihoods and reduce burden of deaths

Such mechanisms are required and decentralized governance
Children protection be part of it without any hindrance

Every child, regardless of origin, within any borders
Enjoys rights under the CRC no need of further orders

To their place of origin by consultation and coordination
Children should be assisted for recovery and reintegration

Adopt easy procedures, a human approach and less bureaucracy
Between govt. and NGOs direct communication and advocacy

Create and support community support services with broad vision
Ensure family counseling with equitable health services provision

Avoid girls and boys victims from possible suicidal death
Create safe spaces and address physical and mental health

A process for regional action should soon be institutionalized
Support of government, NGOs and judicial system be mobilized

International agencies and children’s organizations be also involved
Only then the problems of children could be solved

All partners through regular quarterly or annual consultations
May review the progress and make further recommendations

Any good practices with other countries be shared
To punish sexual abusers single minute not be spared

Mechanisms to address issues like trafficking may be established
Make sure that all tasks by the partners are accomplished

Knowledge centres on sexual exploitation and abuse be created
Qualitative and quantitative indicators developed and reports generated

More attention is required in the field of research
Can find useful information whoever is in search

Advocacy mechanisms are required for improved national birth registration
Status of children can be ensured by identification and legislation

With computer and tourism industry to implement necessary measures
Active partnership may be created to stop ‘dirty pleasures’

International and national academic institutions and media partnerships
Should build effective linkages to address children hardships

Capacity of partners and government people at all levels
Must be built to fight against all social evils

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