Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life Time Chain - Bonded labour - by Mohammad Azim Khan Keyani

Lifetime Chain - Bonded Labour
By Mohammad Azim Khan Keyani

When for repayment of loans, labour is demanded
Then it is said that certain labourers are bonded

Millions in world are entangled to this servitude
Landlords to them are always very cruel and rude

Enslaved to do rigorous work at little price
Can hardly afford bread or piece of slice

They, including families are chained for a lifetimeLandlords can sell them to other ones any time

They are encouraged for big amounts to borrow
So that landlords can earn huge interest tomorrow

Are almost crippled to return the original amount
With interest keeps on increasing the debt account

Work seven days a week, live worse than animals
Landlords treat with them like the criminals

Do arduous and exploitative work without any respite
The landlords are very harsh and also impolite

Even when they are sick or in emergency
Children & women have to work without clemency

In cottage industries, factories, and agriculture sector
Bonded labour has been found to be a major factor

From stone crushing, brick making and carpet weaving
Efforts be made for children and women for relieving

In fish cleaning, shoe-making and rolling of tobacco leaf
Bonded labour exists, there is little chance of relief

Children work on behalf of parents without any wage
To get rid of this, when will come that stage?

At time of parents’ sickness or sudden death
Children become bonded laborer in lieu of debt

If poor parents have taken even a small loan
As bonded labourer their children will have to own

Those escaped are brought back and very badly punished
Sometimes are afraid their lives would be finished

Children and women suffer from physical and sexual abuse
Also subjected to rigorous work and are unable to refuse

Laws already do exist that prohibit debt bondage
But bonded labourers hardly get from them any advantage

Nobody seems to be able to break this chain
Till time illiteracy, poverty and cruel landlords remain

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