Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Success and Failure in Career - by Mohammad Azim Khan Keyani

Success and Failure in Career
By Mohammad Azim Khan Keyani

Lack of well defined direction and long term goals
May prevent people to take decision and play required roles

Must know which direction you are headed and not blame the fate
Find your purpose and also get out of the starting gate

A person with weak desire will get weak result
Then what is justification for feeling any shame or insult

Dreams will only come true let everyone be informed
When desires into concrete actions have been transformed

For those people in certain careers who want to survive
Should know, for their success, the desire will drive

A person indifferent to success and also with little hope
With new emerging situations would hardly be able to cope

Do not refuse to take risks and never be overly cautious
Rather should be innovative, courageous, and ambitious

Though risky, each morning, travel on vehicles is made
Otherwise shall not reach workplace and won’t get paid

Potential benefit outweighs the risk if we have decided
Application of same thinking to career should not be avoided

If you will refuse to take chance, certainly will lose
Even may not get the leftovers while others can choose

If in a fair way with full interest we do not take part in game
To outside circumstances for our problems should not blame

We have to be fully accountable and responsible for lives
Success and failure depend on what extent one strives

Life will deliver when we shall choose appropriate course of actions
Nothing will improve by pointing fingers and raising objections

By making lame excuses one cannot reach a higher grade
From lemon, the high achiever will try to make lemonade

Lack of self disciple in life is also another barrier
In the path of our further success and better career

One needs to do the best in order to become expert
Self-control is the hardest job which one has to exert

Perhaps on a daily basis we may step in front of a mirror
Practice self control and try to remove each error

With insufficient knowledge and main focus lack
A person will hardly go forward but towards back

Instead of many, at one time, better take a single aim
Give careful thought and fully focus on the same

Can’t enjoy a successful career without a good health
Which is very important and of course a big wealth

Lack of exercise and in food, alcohol or drugs overindulgence
In order to maintain good health should avoid such negligence

Through indecisive attitude and undue procrastination
You would not be able to reach a goal or destination

No fear of failure, don’t be afraid and tend to avoid
People who work hard, God is always on their side

Will find along the way whatever you need
But take small steps toward your goal in deed

Faster towards your goals you could move, it is true
Have to be willing to be uncomfortable while dreams to pursue

Don’t lack self-confidence and be afraid to fail
From each experience will learn something, will not go to jail!!!

This world to anyone of us anything does not owe
We owe it everything for the privilege of being here

To become rich in one day puts on a track to nowhere
A person reaches no destination and remains hanging here and there

Although by most human being it could be desired
But wealth and success overnight are rarely acquired

All desires by mere sitting idle cannot be fulfilled
Over years of working towards a purpose, success one can build

Ability to get along with others gives power to succeed
No one will help a negative person at time of need

Uncooperative behaviour with people and also intolerance
In career development may cause unnecessary hindrance

If you do not like a field, do not to it choose
Will not find true career success and may become confuse

Interest, passion and love for work keep one going
Provide competitive edge one needs and continue growing

One has to be very honest and remain on right track
Universal law is what one puts out always gets back

Instead of being fully informed, don’t just rely on guess
In order to get satisfactory answers, to situation should assess

Work hard, don’t be lazy and have a clear vision
After comprehensive research make timely and correct decision

There must not be any lack of determination and persistence
What to talk of growth, it may threaten your existence

Never give up at the sign of trouble or defeat
Try to use all abilities for your mission to complete

Rather than short term, to long term results should commit
To achieve them do sincere efforts and never idle sit

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